What are the Emerging Trends in BPO Sector for 2022?

December 12, 2021

BPO or the Business Process Outsourcing is vastly dependent on increasing the technical advancement to cater to the needs and demands of the business sector. With the rampant rate of the innovation that has been dominating the globe, the business process outsourcing has also led to the rapid advancement since the day of its inception in the market, and is also planning to be the fastest growing industry in the future years. 

As per the reports that has been gained from market research titled, “Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) worldwide”, there has been much of the growth in the market size, especially in the year 2017-19 with the acquisition of net rate of $88.9 billion, hence, there is much of the estimation of the rise of the market size to the double rate than what has been attained in the previous years. It has also been estimated in the same report that the net market share of the BPO service solutions is bound to increase to $262.2billion by the end of the year 2022.

Why is the change in the outsourcing (BPO) market vital? 

One of the primary reasons for the development of the change in the trends of the BPO sector is that, it is through the evolution of the change the marketers of the BPO sector are able to induce the potency of innovation within the market. Also, at the same time, it is true that the deliverance of the top quality services amid the highly competitive market has been growing incessantly, simply to pacify the individual needs of the customer. Thus, this driving force has enforced many of the companies to probe much deeper into the insight factors that can boost the net rate of the productivity in the BPO sector. 

What are the various trends in the BPO sector for the year 2022? 

When it does come outsourcing trends in the next year 2022, there is indeed the rise of unprecedented options to uplift the mode of the business functionality in the future years. These trends has also emerged due to the growth of the greater sustainability, technological advancement and also imposing flexibility in the workplace, in the near future, simply to cater to the demands of the same. Some of the most anticipated trends are as follows: 

  • Trend 1: Imbibing the Cloud–based technology

There is no doubt in the fact that there shall be the rampant growth of the cloud services as this is indeed the need of the hour for most of the top BPO companies. With the inception of the cloud services, many of the firms would grow rapidly as the new cloud based technology would definitely allow each of the users to save big and possess high-end security in transferring any type of the information. 

  • Trend 2: Implementation of the RPA

Majority of the BPO outsourcing companies are indulging in the RPA trend that is also the Robotic Process Automation which has allowed many of the firms to gain the net rate of the gross profit. One of the key benefits of the RPA is that it does increase the efficacy of the business value and is also more profitable in gaining the key competitive advantage of the concerned firm. 

  • Trend 3:Expansion of the remote work

As the pattern of the remote working has been the new normal for majority of the business firms across the globe, since the inception of the pandemic, this will still continue to grow even if there is lesser spread of the virus. With the high spread of the unemployment in the years prior to the inception of the pandemic, it has been the need of the hour for many of the businesses to expand their domain to suffice the space for the concerned employees, thus,  the new pattern of remote working is also an outsourcing trend that shall also be adapted and this would also continue to grow more and more that shall lead to the intrinsic growth of the same. 

  • Trend 4: Dominance of the AI in the workplace 

The dominance of the AI or the Artificial Intelligence has been mandatory in many of the business firms to simply promote the net rate of the efficacy and reduce the extra cost in the workplace. When it comes to the acquisition of the customers, AI can prove to be highly effective as this would also lead to the management of large volumes of data with more ease and the additional support of meeting the required business demands. 

  • Trend 5: Ability to engage more in PWA’s 

As it is much of a known fact that PWA or the Progressive Web Apps includes both the mobile and also the web applications. This allows all the employees to engage more effectively with the work pressure that does often increase in the workplace and also manage time efficiently. It can also lead to the possession of the innovative solutions in the workplace in developing more customer services. Though one of the major intentions of the process of outsourcing, in the best BPO companies, is to develop the rate of efficacy within the business, the mode of usage and the direct integration of the PWA would prove to be of bigger help to many of the firms of the present day. 


Outsourcing trends are changing with the passage of time and this leads to the growth of the marginalized rate of the gross profit in the future years. These rising trends will also allow each of the firms to increase customer service and also gain the net productivity, effectively.

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